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Getting Started

How to Register

Survival swimming lessons like those offered by ISR are an invaluable investment in your child’s safety and well being, in addition to your own  peace of mind! I would enjoy the opportunity to speak with you about ISR lessons and to answer any questions that you may have. Please contact me to set up a time that is most convenient for you. In the mean time, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information. The following is an overview of the next steps to empowering your child with ISR Self-Rescue™ skills:

1: Contact Me

Contact me for more information, or to let me know that you would like to sign your child up for lessons.

4: Confirmation Email

ISR will send a confirmation email once the registration process is completed. This e-mail will have your registration form and BUDS sheet, (which you should bring to your child’s first lesson).

2: Unique Registration

I will send you an e-mail with my unique ISR Registration URL which will take you to ISR’s Registration Website.

5: Gift Code

Bring your gift code for the ISR Seal Store which can be redeemed for $15 off your next purchase. Should your email server block our e-mail and you don’t receive it, these are all available on the ISR Registration site.

3: ISR Registration

Complete the ISR Registration Process: The cost to register your child is $105* which is due when completing the online registration.

6: Final Confirmation

I will contact you to confirm your lesson date and time once the registration process is completed.

* This fee covers a medical screening by our Registration Evaluation Team (RET) to assess the physical and developmental readiness of your child. Determination of appropriateness for lessons is not based on a particular condition or diagnosis, rather on the unique characteristics of the child. The registration fee also covers the course materials, which include Parent Resource Book and informational DVD that you will receive within 5 days of completing the online registration.

Once the registration is completed and cleared by the Registration Evaluation Team, I will be notified, at which point I will contact you to confirm a lesson date and time.